Reddit Atheism Forum

A forum on topics and discussion related to "atheism" the view that gods, and god-related supernatural things, do not exist.
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Reddit Atheism Forum

Post by Sadi-Carnot »

Of note, I posted up a link about this new Hmolpedia "atheism" sub-forum at Reddit Atheism: ... ism_forum/

Given the following stats: 2.6M members and 1.6K online, with my post being upvoted 18%, and comments such as:

“Is heavy drug use a requirement for joining your forum? Because it kind of sounds like it.”
— OneRougeRogue (2021), “response post”, Feb 2

It is kind of like playpen for 2K semi-detached people, at any given time? About 7 years ago, the Reddit Atheism forum used to be a lot better.
All the best, Libb.
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