Joey Lawsin

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Joey Lawsin

Post by Sadi-Carnot »

c.24 Jul 66AE: amid my research for soon-to-be published Abioism manuscript:

came across Joey Lawsin's "If atoms are not alive, then humans are not alive" poster quotes on Google Images: ... 98&bih=927

25 Jul 66AE: started the Joey Lawsin article:

23 Aug 66AE: received the following email, from Joey Lawsin:

Hi Libb, I am so glad that an intelligent person like you who has a different perspective about life managed to put all together the bright minds in the world in one place which you named hmolpedia. I was even impressed that you are redefining and rewriting the concept of life according to abioism, a concept parallel to my idea of abiozoicism. In autognorics, I defined alive as self-energized, one of the important factors to become living and with life. And of course, as you said there is no such thing that life exists. I agree with you 100%. I am also a progressive atheist. But it sounds better to be called an abioist atheist instead. I love the way you coined it. Anyway, I hope someday we can talk and exchange views about our works. Have a great day! Joey.

24 Aug 66AE: I replied as follows:

Hi Joey, Thanks for contacting me. To clarify, I am new to you and your work, only having come across you, via your “atoms are not alive” quotes on Google Images, in the last few weeks. I have added your email quote to the “praise for” section of my Abioism manuscript (pdf pg. 10):

I have also amended my section 4.22, on you, to correct for the datum that you are a “progressive atheist”, as you say (which I am still confused about?). Other than that, I am still a little blurry about your program, given what I have read online. To clarify, possibly you can tell me your beliefs and disbeliefs, as they are historically tabulated below: ... d%20belief

Firstly, in what year did you decide you were an atheist, in your personal mind, and also where did you say this in public (and in what year)?

Secondly, in what year did you decide that “life does not exist” or that “alive is an allusion”? Also, in what year did you state this in public publication?

Third, do you believe that the hydrogen atom is alive: yes or no?

Fourth, being that you use the term “creation” in many of your publications, where do you stand on the various so-called scientific god synonyms:

Is your work an attempt to sublime god into some sort of covet terminology?

Fifth, in what year were you “born” (formed)? Presently, I have you approximated to 1940.

Sixth, I am going to need copies of your published works. I see dates about how you came to these views in 1988, but only see publications of these views in 2000 [?], or 2009, or 2010. I need “published in public view” dates for your ideas, for historical purposes. I have looked around, e.g. on Amazon, for where I get obtain your books, but they are listed as out of print. I would suggest that you mail me a package of your key works, e.g. Originemology or Evolution of Creation, with dates showing when they were written or published, to the following address [deleted]. And or send me the pdf files for these works.

Seventh, I tend not to email dialogue, in a prolonged sense, other than once-and-while. If dialogue, discussion, debate, idea critique is what you want, I would suggest posting to me at one of the following: (quite personal discussion) (more public controversial discussion)

These, I tend to frequent daily, and respond and discuss, publicly, therein.

Eight, given (a) your tendency to invent neologisms after yourself, (b) your description of yourself as a “beautiful mind”, (c) you characterization of you as an “autodidactic problem solver”, (d) given that you have found your way into my top 24 historical abioism precursors group, where do you rank your own intelligence, in respect to all of humanity? Who do you think you are dumber than, who do you think you are smarter than?

Nine, what is our own personal list of who you believe to be the top 10 (or whatever number) minds of all time?

Ten, I noticed you mention “Horus”. What is your present understanding about Horus in relation to Jesus?

Eleven, in the attached Abioism (pdf), you will note that there is a “Homework” section. If you would be so kind, if you truly do believe that “god does not exist” and “life does not exist”, and would like to help future students grow their mind, to submit to me 3 possible homework questions, from which, if they are workable, I will select one, to include in my published book. This is a practice, for your information, that I started in 2005 to all Journal of Human Thermodynamics submissions.

Twelve, my aim is to publish Abioism, on 11 Oct 66AE, the 66th anniversary of the day humans first saw atoms; as I have noted here (Aug 19):

Hence, as I am in a time crunch, I probably won’t be able to process your total view, completely, before then (also, presently, I still think that you believe in god, in some slanted way?). This week, e.g. I am in the middle of reading Diderot’s Albert’s Dream, and his 1769 “living point” theory: ... .27s_Dream

Thirteen, I would suggest that you make a video (given that you seem to lack a YouTube channel) and sent it to me, so that I can debut it on my HumanChemistry 101 channel, with introduction, the way I did for Alfred Rogers, curator of, in 2016:
All the best, Libb Thims.
All the best, Libb.
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Re: Joey Lawsin

Post by Sadi-Carnot »

24 Aug 66AE: received the following reply:

Hi Libb, Thanks for your response. Most likely I will reply to your queries this weekend. I will also send you my book on originemology maybe this coming month. BTW, I posted one of your quotes on my website (with your permission of course? lol). I was challenged to prove to you that binary digits can boil water. It will take a while but i can come up with a solution related to your thermodynamics in general. As an engineer, just like me, maybe you want to peruse one of my articles about where einstein originally derived his famous E=mc^2. From here, using dimensional analysis, units of measurements, and formula derivations you might even find the solution yourself that bits can boil H2O.

I'm sorry that i defined alive in haste as self-energized. Alive should precisely mean the ability to self-consume energy. A detailed definition of alive or aliveness is partially defined on my site: Life, Living and Alive! >>> ... sciousness. My expertise is in Autognorics (synthetic engineered life forms), Inscription By design (Creation By Laws), Intuitive Objects (generated emergence), and Originemology (genesis of information). They are all novel disciplines discovered while I was experimenting on creating a living machine. Most of these experiments are posted on youtube. Every video that you see on my youtube channel will take you step by step to the sequential orders of life. But remember, there is no such thing as life. It doesn't even exist at all! It is an illusion. My book on originemology will tell you why. Thanks again and talk to you later. Joey.

25 Aug 66AE: I replied as follows:

Ok. If you are a "bit theorist", you will want to read this 2012 article by me (highlighted by Robert Doyle): ... TNETIT.pdf

26 Aug 66AE: I received the following reply:

Hi Libb, Thanks for sending me some of your works on human thermodynamics. However, is there a way you can explain it in layman's terms here? Not that I don't understand it, but as you know perspective differs when you don't get the story firsthand from the originator/author. Just like when I told you the meaning of ALIVE as self-energized, inadvertently you simply jump to the conclusion that it is related to the perpetual motion theory. But of course, you know better that it is impossible in the macroscopic world or in a large-scale system.

Regarding Aboism, I just realized that your theory is a precursor to my work on the seven criteria of life and abiozoics. If I get the gist of your theory, with respect to thermodynamics and energy (useless heat and useful work) I might end up adding it in my next book on Generated Emergence, The single theory of everything. I know my theory revolves around the macro or large scale system, while your's at the micro or small scale level. Being an aeronautical engineer with majors in thermodynamics and aerodynamics, I can tell you that in the quantum realm of thermodynamics, zero and one do exist.

Also, I found out that I have a special section in your wikipedia. Thank you for this. I do really appreciate it. But is there a way you can complete my profile or is there a way I can change it the way how I perceive myself and my works? Since you have some projects with kids on thermodynamics, maybe we can collaborate on these too, since my ELFS (engineered life-forms system) would probably be a great hit to them. Well, thanks again and talk to you later. Joey.
All the best, Libb.
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Re: Joey Lawsin

Post by Sadi-Carnot »

Re: “Just like when I told you the meaning of ALIVE as self-energized, inadvertently you simply jump to the conclusion that it is related to the perpetual motion theory”, the prefix self-, attached to any word, is a violation of the principle of inertia, so explains Karl Pearson, in his 1892 Grammar of Science; as does Vinci, and others:

“No 'thing' whatever can be moved by itself, but its motion is effected through another. There is no other force.”
— Leonardo Vinci (1490), notebook

The more a person employs the term “self” in their work, not to mention 1s and 0s, and Boolean algebra arguments, which you seem to be doing, the more they tend to be a so-called “ontic opening theorist”:

attempting to sell some sort of closet god theory; a famous example:

Re: “Being an aeronautical engineer with majors in thermodynamics and aerodynamics”, at what university and in what year did this education take place, and where specific degrees completed?

Re: “Since you have some projects with kids on thermodynamics, maybe we can collaborate on these too, since my ELFS (engineered life-forms system) would probably be a great hit to them”, I am not interested in “hits”, I am interested in “reality”. This is what I teach to kids.

I am what is classified as an early parental death and genius mindset: ... and_genius

When you have witnessed one or both of your parents “disappear” before your teens, you are not concerned with “engineered life-form systems”. Correctly, you become concerned with the fact that “life-forms” do not exist.

Re: “is there a way you can complete my profile or is there a way I can change it the way how I perceive myself and my works?”, if there is factual information about you, that I have written that is incorrect, or in need of updated, say so in this forum, and I will correct your article, accordingly.
All the best, Libb.
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